Category: Uncategorized
Waarom privaatheid belangrik is:
Waarom is privaatheid belangrik? Daar is verskeie antwoorde op hierdie vraag, maar tot ‘n groot mate verstaan ons almal die belangrikheid daarvan instinktief; jy kan dit sien aan die gordyne voor ons vensters. In die artikel wil ek oor net een aspek van privaatheid praat en waarom ons dit moet waardeer en verdedig. Privaatheid is…
Rebuttal to Taleb’s “Blackpaper”:
A few things I’d like to get off my chest before I get on with my rebuttal: I’m a big fan of Nassim Taleb’s work. No book has impacted the way I live my life on a day-to-day basis more than the Incerto except the Bible and maybe Montaigne. Can’t think of a bigger compliment…
Money is tech:
Few books have done so much damage to human understanding in recent times as the book by Yuval Harari called Sapiens. The idea that phenomena as complex as money and religion can be boiled down to the explanation “they are just stories we tell ourselves in order to organize better,” is as catchy as it…
Meme yourself to Independence:
Two themes that I believe will grow in popularity even more over the coming years – two themes that wholeheartedly ascribe to – are bitcoin and localism. Whether the two political movements – both are political movements – are diametrically opposed to one another (the one being an essentially globalist movement, the other an increase…
Bitcoin Lollapalooza (Using Charlie’s ideas on something he despises)
“I like cryptocurrencies less than you do. To me, it’s just dementia. It’s like somebody else is trading turds and you decide you can’t be left out.” – Charlie Munger (speaking to Buffet at Berkshire’s AGM) I was disappointed to see one of the people who I admire so much, handle something as inherently interesting…
It’s 2050 and Bitcoin failed – A cautionary tale
It’s the year 2050 and I can now confirm that bitcoin has completely failed. Where are we? Well, bitcoin is currently trading at about 5,865,098 of what would have been the USD. I can confirm that the USD itself also didn’t make it (apparently money doesn’t grow on the Magic Money Tree) and sats are…
Bitcoin – A Value Investors Perspective:
I don’t know who I like trolling more; nocoiners, libertarians, liberals, Tesla shorts, or value investors. Today I’m going to have some fun at the expense of value investors. It’s a bit of payback for all the value investor stabs they give bitcoiners like: Bitcoin is a bubble Tulip mania It doesn’t produce any cash…